The best outdoor gear should enhance every adventure. At SOLBREEZE, we create innovative essentials for boats, RVs, camping, powersports, outdoor living, sporting, and beyond—delivering exceptional stability, safety, and convenience for the whole family, even our furry companions.

Alongside our signature products, we feature a thoughtfully curated collection of trusted outdoor brands, providing everything you need for a seamless adventure. Shopping with Solbreeze means supporting small businesses across the United States!


Raising The Bar For Your Life Under the Sun

Welcome to a new era of outdoor living, powered by SOLBREEZE ingenuity. We've reimagined outdoor essentials to deliver rock-solid stability, cross-platform versatility, and next-level safety for your entire family.

Unrivaled Stability

Our technology eliminates wobble in RV and boat accessories, ensuring a steady experience anywhere.

Versatile Design

Products work seamlessly across RVs, boats, and outdoor spaces, maximizing functionality and value.

Innovative Pet Safety

Unique solutions like easy-access dog ladders and life vests keep four-legged adventurers secure.

About Us




Revolutionary Stability for RV Tables

RV adventures are better with the right gear. Our space-saving, wobble-free table sets and innovative RV accessories create more room and stability, no matter where you park.

Shop RV

Waterproof Happiness for Dogs on Board

Give your furry first mate the gift of water confidence. Our easy-climb boat dog ladders and life-saving jackets keep their tails wagging and your stress low on every aquatic adventure.

Shop Water Dog Safety

Chart a Course to Superior Boat Comfort

Better boating starts here. Our space-saving pontoon tables and safety gear add function and protection to your vessel. Easier, safer, and more comfortable water adventures await.

Shop Boat, Dock & Pier