The best outdoor gear should enhance every adventure. At SOLBREEZE, we create innovative essentials for boats, RVs, camping, powersports, outdoor living, sporting, and beyond—delivering exceptional stability, safety, and convenience for the whole family, even our furry companions.
Alongside our signature products, we feature a thoughtfully curated collection of trusted outdoor brands, providing everything you need for a seamless adventure. Shopping with Solbreeze means supporting small businesses across the United States!
Shop top-rated gear for being on the water, outdoors, sporting and more!
SOLBREEZE SS BIG DOG Dock & Boat Dog Ladder
Boat Table Set - 6" Floor Plate System (6 colors)
Fish GoBoat - Inflatable Fishing Boat
Liberty Fire Pit with Standard Base (Made in USA)
Boat Table Set - Floor Bolt System (6 colors)
"Fire Flower" Fire Bowl with Standard Base (Made In USA)
Powered-Arm II Bimini Collection - (6) Awning Colors, (2) Frame Colors
Patriot Fire Pit (Made in USA)
Freedom - Inflatable Boat
Mini Dock - Inflatable Dock I Water Mat
Boat Table Top With Mounting Bracket (6 colors): Waterproof
X-DOCK - Inflatable Docking Station, Towable & Bar
Raising The Bar For Your Life Under the Sun
Welcome to a new era of outdoor living, powered by SOLBREEZE ingenuity. We've reimagined outdoor essentials to deliver rock-solid stability, cross-platform versatility, and next-level safety for your entire family.
Unrivaled Stability
Our technology eliminates wobble in RV and boat accessories, ensuring a steady experience anywhere.
Versatile Design
Products work seamlessly across RVs, boats, and outdoor spaces, maximizing functionality and value.
Innovative Pet Safety
Unique solutions like easy-access dog ladders and life vests keep four-legged adventurers secure.
Revolutionary Stability for RV Tables
RV adventures are better with the right gear. Our space-saving, wobble-free table sets and innovative RV accessories create more room and stability, no matter where you park.
Waterproof Happiness for Dogs on Board
Give your furry first mate the gift of water confidence. Our easy-climb boat dog ladders and life-saving jackets keep their tails wagging and your stress low on every aquatic adventure.
Chart a Course to Superior Boat Comfort
Better boating starts here. Our space-saving pontoon tables and safety gear add function and protection to your vessel. Easier, safer, and more comfortable water adventures await.
Let customers speak for us
from 236 reviewsVery nice quality, handy for boat handling 👍
First great and kept him high in the water
Better than shipping...great price and the tables look spectacular!!!
This dog life jacket is a fantastic investment for any pet owner who enjoys water activities with their furry friend. The jacket is well-constructed with durable materials that provide excellent buoyancy, ensuring my dog stays afloat and safe while swimming. The adjustable straps make it easy to get a snug fit, and the bright colors with reflective strips enhance visibility, which is great for keeping an eye on her in the water.One of the standout features is the sturdy handle on the back, which makes it easy to lift her out of the water when needed. The jacket is also comfortable for her to wear, allowing for a full range of motion without restricting her movements. Overall, this life jacket gives me peace of mind knowing my dog is safe and secure during our water adventures. Highly recommend for any dog owner who loves spending time by the water!
After looking long and hard for a decent table that was the size I wanted and would either fit the post from my existing table or mount to the plate in my deck I found this table. Fits fine. Looks great and the cost was fair!
Beautiful product, very, very stylish and better quality than I expected. Above all else, very easy to install!
The boat table top I purchased from Solbreeze was installed in my motorhome. The table top is perfect for the area where I installed it. The quality of the table top is excellent, the installation process was quick and easy, and the price was very inexpensive. I am completely satisfied with this product.
This medium sized dog life jacket is a great fit on my 50 lb dog. He wear it when we go swimming at home and when he is on the boat. It is adjustable with nylon straps and fits snugly around his torso and neck. Additionally, the straps can be folded up and Velcroed in place to prevent the straps from hanging in the way. The handle is strong to pick him up and out of the water. I live the yellow color as it is easy to see at sea and there are some silver reflective print on the jacket as well.
This life vest fit our pup perfectly! Now I can take her swimming with us without worrying about her. It fit well and there is plenty of room to adjust the fit as needed, The handle on top helps you help them out the water if needed, as well. 10/10 excellent!!
We wanted to get some water fitness to our little chunk monster she was not excited about swimming in general but the vest fit well it was very adjustable she had no problem walking around in it before and after the pool love the handle it made it easy to hold her up
This worked great for us. We have a older pontoon and purchased the pole with the floor plate that we attached to our floor board. The new table top is a beautiful upgrade to our party barge. Customer service was top notch as had to address the older style pontoon. Very quick responses!
I use this on a large malinois mix when I take him on the river and it works great. It fits and it keeps him afloat. Its usually hard to find his size because he is so big, but this one was actually quite easy to adjust and get his size correct. Im very happy with this product.
Very well made. Use it for a offshore duck blind. Its a tank. We leave it most season. During heavy storms we remove very easily and just hook back up. Glad we bought
Estoy muy contento con la compra y funciona perfectamente